Episode 35 Collective Conversations | Talking COVID-19 with Peter Nankervis
Collective Conversations | Talking Leadership in COVID-19 with Peter Nankervis
The global impact of COVID-19 is accelerating daily and the need for businesses to transform is in overdrive
This podcast is a must listen to for executives and leaders on how to navigate todays business environment both now and post COVID-19
Lighthouse Group has been partnering with business to deliver outcomes by changing behaviours and improving capability.
In this Collective Conversation CEO of Lighthouse Peter Nankervis talks to host Suzanne Jones on the six key factors needed right now for leadership transformation.
This podcast offers guidance and advice to assist in your business decisions. Get the 6 key factors now.
The need for Leadership Transformation to accelerate business transformation
Leaders should have a system to succeed. 6 key factors required
Strategic focus for Leadership Objectives
Great mindsets for leading in a crisis
How to make effective decisions as a leadership team
Best practice example of Leadership Communication
Leadership Structure and Tools to be effective
For more information contact peter@lighthousegroup.co
And the reference links Peter mentioned can be found by visiting www.lighthousegroup.co
If you'd like to record a podcast get Jones at www.thejonescollective.com.au